Friday, 5 April 2013

We Need Each Other

It doesn't take Saul long to get himself into trouble. 1 Samuel 13 sees his kingship curtailed, a far cry compared to the commissioning of chapter 10.

You might wonder what was such a big deal, especially with the understanding of 'priesthood of all believers' that we have today. Yet the 'all believers' concept does not equate to setting yourself up as a 'one man band', taking all authority and responsibility onto your own shoulders. Saul wanted to seek God - that's good. Yet that easily became perverted into thinking 'if I perform such n such a ritual, then surely will be well'. It wasn't - he put himself above the companion-discernment that Samuel would give, and asserted himself into a 'I can do it all' kind of position.

The plain fact is this: no matter how much responsibility we are given, how much we are lifted into an exalted leadership position, we still need the gifting, spirituality, and counsel of other people. This will keep us grounded, and help avoid our own self-exaltation beyond that which is appropriate.

We need each other.

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