Monday 29 April 2013

I desire mercy, not sacrifice

In the middle of Matthew's gospel a few things seem to get repeated. One of them is Jesus quoting Hosea 6:6 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice' - it crops up in both chapters 9 and 12.On both occasions Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees - they have not learnt, not understood. They have missed the point Big Time.

Sacrifices, by definition, should cost us. Yet it is possible to do sacrifices in a detached way. Somehow compartmentalised, off in a corner of our lives. Also they can become the focus, the main thing, some kind of 'conscience resolver' instead of paying attention to what God is really saying. Yes sacrifices might technically cost us, but in reality could be worthless.

Instead God desires from us mercy, just as He is merciful. Mercy is bigger than sacrifice because it cannot be detached - it has to get alongside and face the world as it really is. It will include sacrifice, but cannot be confined to the corner.

We can make rules, regulations, systems of thought that (theoretically) protect and keep us in the right - but that is not the way of God! No, God reaches out into the mess of the world for the possibility that some may be helped and saved. That is mercy, that is sacrifice on steroids. That is the way of Jesus, that is to be our way too.

So let us learn what it means ...


  1. Great post Karl! I am preaching about giving in a couple of weeks, and I was thinking along these lines with regard to tithing. Many find it a helpful way to give, but if it makes the sacrifice of giving "easy", automatic, or a system, then we've probably missed the point!
