Friday, 8 March 2024

Decisions for Jesus

When someone decides to follow Jesus, there is alot going on. We should never understand it as merely an intellectual response - but one that includes the emotion and the will of the person. Above all it is a spiritual response.

The reality is that for many people their response is actually a series of responses. Rather than one simple before/after decision, they are making a number of steps along the way. I suspect that this reality applied in the gospels and Acts too: although the accounts may suggest to us simple decisions, dig deeper and it is more messy. For example it took a while for the closest disciples to really get what Jesus was telling them, and Cornelius was already seeking & calling on God before Peter arrived. Others had had "John's baptism" but not the baptism of Jesus and His Spirit, and so on.

When working with enquirers, I have found it is helpful for us to find a language for these multiple steps. It enables us to talk with people about where they are at, recognise & encourage progress, and point towards the total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus that He calls us to. Sticking to a simple (binary) mantra I have found to be unhelpful.

I am indebted to Mark Greenwood's book 'Big Yes Little Yes Healthy Maybe' for giving a good language to use with people. Greenwood argues the same - that most make several steps, and sets out helpful thinking on how we therefore journey with people as they come to Christ response by response.

He characterises those who are basically open to finding out more as giving a 'Healthy Maybe' response. They are not saying 'no' to the gospel, but they are not able to say 'yes' either. Being open might mean that they would be willing to sit down and explore together - that is a healthy response, hence the 'Healthy Maybe'.

As people explore for themselves, they reach points where things start to make sense - but they are not ready to jump all in. There are bits they believe, others they do not (yet), and many things that seem fuzzy. Mark calls these 'Little Yes' responses. The point here is that a person may make many 'Little Yes' responses, as they journey onwards. It is not for us to define the number or the exact points - they are like spiritual response stepping stones.

Eventually something clicks. The person realises that for them there is no real alternative but to follow Jesus with all their mind, soul and strength. This is the 'Big Yes' response, from which we hope there will be no turning back. Baptism and God's filling with the Holy Spirit are the Biblical follow-ons for a person making this response. If you want to talk in terms of crossing the line, then this is it.

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