Friday, 1 September 2023

Multiplication Sacrifice

When the flood recedes and Noah lands the ark, God gives instructions to him, his family and the animals/birds on board to 'go forth and multiply' (in the polite and positive sense!) - see Genesis 8.

Yet the first thing Noah does on the newly dried land is to build an altar and sacrifice some of the (clean) animals & birds on it. From a multiplication or population growth perspective, this was a counter-productive thing to do! Reducing the population at the outset reduces the probability of successful growth and rich gene diversity in the eventual population. On these calculations it would have been much better to let the several pairs of a certain species breed and produce.

But Noah's multiplication calculations are based on a different logic. Rather than the pure statistics, Noah's heart is set on God and a desire for a Godly population to follow. He therefore sacrifices, putting down a marker at the outset: honour God first & foremost, future growth depends on Him.

Discipleship multiplication movements know the same logic. A true movement, with multi-generational multiplication in evidence, only comes as a result of a move of God - they cannot simply be manufactured no matter how good the intent of the pioneers or the method deployed.

When we start out do we first accept a God-honouring 'reducing down' process, that runs contrary to the human logic of ensuring initial strength and resilience? Are we looking for merely 'growth by the method appearing to work' or God ordained growth? If the motives deep in our hearts were truly exposed, would it be about God or about us?

God commands multiplication, but with Himself as the multiplying-factor! God will work with us and through us - our human endeavours have validity - but we will do well to think how we are to lay down a marker of honouring God first & foremost, and to think how we will continue in that same heart & mindset.

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