Friday, 26 May 2023


The gospel 'sending' passages, e.g. sending the 12 in Matthew 10, have a number of direct instructions. Among these are 'do not get any gold, silver or copper, no bag, or extra shirt, sandals or staff. In other words 'go light: de-clutter!'.

As we prepare to move to Leicestershire to be a witnessing couple in New Lubbesthorpe, we have to face the job of moving house. For us that means down-sizing and therefore some considerable de-clutter! It's amazing how much cruft you can accumulate over the last ten years (not to mention the cruft that you should have shed the last time you moved ...).

But it is also time for us to de-clutter spiritually and in the way we operate for the gospel. We are intending to practice 'Simple Church' rather than the relatively complex forms we have been use to. This will mean stripping down to the essentials for witness and discipling others, leaving other aspects aside. We are not saying those things are wrong - but we don't see them as necessary or desirable for the work we feel called to.

De-cluttering requires discipline, and not being nostalgic for former things. Many times we have reflected on Isaiah 43:19 'See I am doing a new thing'. That immediately follows v18 'Forget the former things'! Through this exercise we hold onto the core to take with us:

  • Jesus is Lord
  • We want Jesus revealed so that people can respond to Him
  • We want those who respond to learn to follow Him, so that they too can be part of revealing to others ...
That's it! No more complicated than that. We are gradually working through physical stuff that will in one way or another get left behind. The way we work with people for the gospel will need working through as well in an equally important de-clutter process.

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