Thursday, 11 September 2014

Yikes - there's a moo cow in my path

Ever walked in a field or along a footpath to discover some cows standing in your way? What do you do? Give up, take a massive detour, get worried? Where I live they have a knack of standing right in front of the gate, so you have to go through them to get past!

But of course these cows are actually quite timid, and not that fussed if you just look straight ahead and walk among them to get through to the gate and on to the next stage.

How often in our Christian faith do we see things that we perceive as big or intimidating obstacles - ones that we think will force us to turn back, take a huge detour, or worry us endlessly?

Maybe many of these obstacles are really just like these cows - we can walk straight through them. Yes we will want to walk carefully, yes we will want to respect their presence (they do weigh a tonne or so after all!), but we press on nonetheless!

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