Saturday, 9 March 2013

Jesus, will you make your mind up please?

Sometimes the ongoing sequence of what Jesus says to those around him can be just plain confusing. Take Luke chapters 13 to 16 for example. From 13:18 Jesus talks about the growth of the Kingdom, introduced by the previous example of healing a crippled woman. Yet in v22 he starts going on about a 'narrow' door, obstructing 'many'.

A little later in chapter 14 the scope widens again: a dinner party gives Jesus the setting to explain the concept of inviting widely, bringing in all kinds of people. In turn this leads to the parable of the great banquet, repeating the concept.

Sounds good doesn't it, but then in v25 when large crowds have accumulated Jesus then seems to actively put them off. The cost will be high - implication being don't bother if you are not up for it. We are back into a narrowing phase.

But then again, come chapter 15 it is all going out to find the lost and those far from God with the trio of lost sheep/coin/son. Hasn't Jesus just done another u-turn?

Then in chapter 16 the pendulum swings yet again, with the shrewd manager plus additional teachings suggesting that it is not a simple free-for-all.

So Jesus, which is it? Go out far and long with a wide open invite, or narrow the field?

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