Friday, 25 January 2013

Dig deeper wells

How deep do we go for our spiritual resources? When all seems arid and dry, are we left panting & despairing, or do we know deeper sources that can nourish us and enable us to continue?

A shallow spirituality will be thrown off course or simply give up easily by whatever difficultly turns up. Lets be clear - things to throw us will come: wobblies, issues, problems, maybe even downright confrontation. The point is how we deal with them, and that relates to the quality & depth of our spiritual plumbing system.

I was struck by Job. By chapter 16 things are really looking down, which given the circumstances is no surprise. Yet in the midst of the gloom Job still maintains a hope that surpasses those who have tried to come alongside him. In 17:10-16 he exhibits a deep conviction that hope can be maintained in God.

The 'comforters' paint negative images (e.g. chapter 15), with them all pointers start to point south. But for Job, resurrection is possible (14:14), along with redemption and forgiveness (14:16-17).

Our hope most not be just for the grave, but beyond it. As we increase our work, as we find ourselves doing more in mission, I believe we must learn to dig deeper wells to tap the depth of resources that we are going to need.

Its time to dig deeper wells.

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