Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Downward Movement

Look at the great 'throne room' passages in the early part of Revelation and it contains (pretty much) what you would expect: John is lifted up into the very place where God is seated, surrounded by those gathered to adore and worship. Its a great vision, and encouraging for us all.

Yet reach the concluding passages of Revelation and there is a subtle difference. Rather than the upward movement for John, it emphasizes a downward movement of a 'holy city'. Reading a bit more it then becomes clear that God Himself is in this city, inhabiting it, providing its light & sustenance - and so God even seems to be in this downward movement.

God comes down to us.

John 1 - the word became flesh: another downward movement. Philippians 2 - same deal. Acts 2 with the outpouring of the Spirit - more downward movement on a hitherto unprecedented scale.

God comes down to us. He has already done it in the person of Jesus Christ. He has already done it (and goes on doing it) in the person of the Spirit.

Time as we know it will be completed when the whole God-head comes down.

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