Friday 29 April 2011

Bodily Resurrection Matters

Take a read of 1 Corinthians 15. Go on, the whole chapter.

Take your time - it is quite dense and heavy going ...

Encouraged by the time you get to v57? I hope so - He gives us the victory!

So what of v58? Tacked on the end, does it really fit after all that hard hitting stuff about the resurrection?

Yes it does! Because Jesus was raised in the body, it shows us that there is continuity of creation. For sure things will be changed, beyond what we can get our heads round, but the continuity means that aspects of the now will carry through to the eternal future. So the whole chapter becomes a call to mission - to work to put things right now ready to be carried into eternity.

Ever struck you why Jesus put so many things right during his earthly ministry (healings etc.)? He was demonstrating the coming Kingdom, putting things to how they should be in anticipation of what is to come.

We are to do the same.

Of course at the moment death & decay are still soldiering on, so we will have frustrations and disappointment. Yet that should not deter us from the task: death will be swallowed up in victory.

So stand firm, don't be put off, get on with the mission task - the work of the Lord. It will not be in vain.

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