Thursday, 2 September 2010

Presence Junky

In Mission Purpose Over-ride II I noted how important the presence of God was. Moses of course got lots of it, seen in both the accounts in Exodus and Deuteronomy. In fact you could argue he was a bit of a junky, with the extraordinary request of Ex 33:18 where Moses asks to see God's glory proving the point.

Yet coming back to God for more of His presence should not be down-played or written off as eccentric. I know of some modern day missionaries who are seeing extraordinary works of God in their field who also talk of the need to keep going back to God and being in His presence. They seem un-ashamed to admit that they hunger and thirst for it.

In Ex 24 Moses and his leadership team have an experience of God. Then Moses goes further on up the mountain at God's bidding. Moses had to wait around up there a whole six days before he could enter the cloud.

It seems to me it was worth the climb, and worth waiting for. In fact even sticking around in the desert and only going with God's leading was much better than just ploughing on regardless. God's presence and its effects cannot be under-estimated. Perhaps we should all be Presence junkies?

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