First off, the way of love spelt out here is not your average gushing fluff, with pink wrappings and Fairtrade chocs. Its hard. Try applying the following to everything you do, to every person you meet:
- being prepared to wait (even when it is clearly your turn ...)
- always looking for the best (even when clearly the other person gets it all wrong ...)
- not being envious (even when the other person is getting it all their way ...)
- not puffing up yourself, nor pointing to yourself
- being well-mannered, not going off on one
Exhausted? Well there is more: now try seeking out the truth in all situations (and not just the convenient truths), seeking to protect, and conveying trust and hope even when these seem to gain little ground.
So thats the spec. Remember that this kind of behavior is not just for when interacting with other Christians, but when dealing with everyone. Paul always has witness to the world in view.
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