Thursday, 26 May 2016

A Slow Journey to God's Kingdom Purposes

Each time I read the story of David it sinks in just a bit more how David was able to exercise Godly patience when it comes to his role as king, and the Kingdom that God would establish. David, it seems, was able to leave the eventual security of the Kingdom of God in God's hands, rather than forcing it through himself.

David is anointed back in 1 Samuel 16 while Saul is still king. David serves Saul but it becomes increasingly obvious that David will succeed him. David never rushes this, and allows Saul to continue on two occasions rather than seizing power through opportunity.

Eventually Saul is killed in a battle, but even then David proceeds cautiously. In 2 Samuel 2 he enquires of God for directions, which leads to his initial crowning. There is a rival camp loyal to Saul's descendants though, and while they scrap it seems that David is pretty much able to leave them be. Surely he could have just pressed ahead and squashed this opposition? Yet he bides his time, over 6 years in fact.

Finally he becomes king over all the tribes, and presses on to establish Jerusalem as the worship centre for the new Kingdom. Yet even after all that, when Absalom rebels in chapter 15 David vacates his seat of power surprisingly quickly, leaving the city for Absalom to simply march in. It seems that not only was David no stranger to opposition, but he could allow it to run its course. He knew the Kingdom was not something to be grasped, not something to be rushed or pressed, but to trust in the bigger picture of God's purposes.

Even in David's desire to build a temple as a permanent centre of worship this same principle is played out. God tells David that this task is not for him, but along with it God gives an amazing promise of 'the throne of his kingdom for ever'. Clearly such a promise cannot be forcibly fulfilled by any action of man - David was able to embrace that principle above all.

It makes me think of all the plans in my mind that I believe will contribute to the Kingdom of God. Am I able to exercise the same patience, to bide my time, to allow opposition to run its course ... and trust that along the journey, no matter how slowly it seems to progress, God will indeed work His purposes out?