From time to time I hear of various people listening to, getting worried about, or acting on things which in reality lack any substance. If one takes some time to scrutinise, they turn out largely to be 'in the air'.
As Christians we are called to act with reference to a firm foundation - on Jesus Christ. Only in Christ can things hold together - without him they tend to float around, or be blown here and there.
See the clear before/after description of Christians in Ephesians 2: they used to live 'following the kingdom of the air', and now they are 'built on a foundation ... with Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone'. To not find the relationship to Christ as the foundation betrays in us immaturity, where we are tossed about and blown around by the winds (4:14).
So on hearing something apply some simple tests: first ask the obvious 'is there any substance to this' and then perhaps use the 'up/in/out' questions as a further guide:
- how might this enable me or others to relate to God through Christ?
- how might this enable the Spirit to minister into my life or the life of others?
- how might this help move us out into God's mission?