Tuesday 5 October 2010

Thinking Globally

1 Kings 8, Solomon is dedicating the temple. Newly built, it can now be a key focus for the Israelites, something to turn towards when praying and so on. The whole spiel directs attention to the temple where God can surely be found.

Yet whilst much of speech concerns the Israelites, it is not limited to them. In v41 he goes global in the hope that foreigners from distant lands will seek God out as well. This is not just for the few, but ultimately 'so that all the peoples of the earth may know'. It is also generous: 'do whatever the foreigners ask of you'. In other words, rather than adding to the greatness of the Israelites and their achievements, it opens the possibility for God to touch the lives of others across the world freely and graciously.

Mission does well to focus on the local context, but always has global possibilities.

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