Monday 29 March 2010


Today I needed to focus on a piece of work all day, working at my laptop. I figured I didn't need those pesky 'you've got mail' notifications distracting me every 20 minutes - I always get tempted to read the email.

Rather than quitting my mail-tool, I decided to set it to not check my email automatically, so it would sit there quiet. Radical!

During the day I worked away, and got curious as to why I had no emails - forgetting that I had disabled its checking! Ah but what bliss to be able to work without the distractions. Eventually near the end of the day I re-enabled, and got hit with over ten messages.

We need God's focus for our mission efforts. There's lots of possibility, but many of them are just noise. Do we have the discipline to 'turn off' the potential distractions so that we can get on with what God is calling us to do? The flip-side is being open to the Spirit to lead us into the unexpected rather than sticking with the programmed, but some clarity and focus is more often than not what is needed.

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